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Mind Games/Christine Amsden Interview

  1. MindGames_medWhat’s your favourite word?

Superfluous – It’s melodious and far more useful than people think!

  1. What is your opinion on pants?

I think loose skirts are more comfortable, but most years you can only find tight skirts or worse – short, tight skirts.

  1. If you were to drive east for twenty minutes, where would you end up?

Kansas City – and as long as I’m there, I’d probably go to Chip’s Chocolate Factory where they have excellent fudge.

  1. What is your ideal retirement?

Travelling the world on a cruise ship. I’d still be writing, of course, but I would stop caring if anyone liked what I wrote. :)

  1. What genre do you find hardest to read/watch?

The answer is very different for reading and watching. The hardest genre for me to watch is romance because on a screen (a big one or a TV), the emotions only go skin deep. Even excellent actors and actresses can’t show me the deep feelings that I can get out of a book, where I’m right there in the characters’ heads.

The hardest genre for me to read is literary fiction, especially the kind that intentionally obfuscates the story to make an artistic point. I have read and enjoyed some literary fiction (I try not to be dismissive of any genre or style – they all have their place) but literary is definitely the “hardest” to read.

  1. If an old man rushed up to you right now and said that you had to leave right now on a dangerous, adventurous quest spanning months or years, with only the money in your pocket and the clothes on your back, would you go?

I have kids. And I’m out of shape. This is why I write – I have to live vicariously through my characters’ adventures.

  1. What do you think is the perfect murder?

The perfect murder would have to involve an evil S.O.B. dying in the middle of town on a busy day – but somehow, nobody saw it happen.

  1. Who is your favourite historical figure?

John Adams – I’ve been fascinated by him ever since I first watched the musical 1776 as a teenager.

  1. What is that thing, anyway? 

It’s a firm, flat plastic rectangle, about 3.5” by 2”, with rounded corners. It’s silvery gray with raised numbers and letters almost the same color, making them difficult to read. I have it sitting out because Amazon.com wouldn’t let me buy a new cake pan (for my daughter’s sixth birthday) without it.


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May 12, 2014 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment

  1. Thanks so much for being a part of my tour, and for asking such unique questiosn!

    Comment by Christine Amsden | May 12, 2014

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