
Home of authors Holly Hunt & Jophrael L. Avario

Hey all!

I’ve been really busy recently! Just this weekend, I’ve been setting up Amazon sales, I’ve been editing and reviewing short erotica stories in an effort to fund comics and projects, I’ve been managing the shop I work at, learning the trade for when the boss nicks off across the other side of the world for October (Rugby Union world cup, YUCK! sport), and generally trying to make sure Matty sees even the slightest little bit of me in between being eaten alive by my cat, who has given me more scars on my hands  in her four months of living with us than my butchery job has to date (for those counting, 6 years). I haven’t had time to read all the wonderful books on my pile, but I shall soon!

I’ve been organising some Kickstarter campaigns to get my comic book empire off the ground (with moderate success, I might add), and looking for a new apartment, because this one is sinking into the ground, rupturing things, all while trying to find somewhere that won’t reject us outright because we own a cat.

Great, ey?

And while setting up Amazon for the sale of copies of The Battle of the Blood Moon, my new comic, I stumbled across something awesome on Amazon:

All of my books, including the paperback of Blood Moon, are on sale! The paperback is something like 66% off, while everything else will save you at least a few pennies (and I’ve arranged to get the anthologies I’m in to be added to that page as well, so you can all find my stuff very easily)!

I would love it if you can all run over to Amazon and gather up any books you’re missing! Hurry, though, because The Devil’s Wife won’t be up there for much longer!

Also, don’t forget to head over to Kickstarter and help me get a comic version of The Devil’s Wife underway. It’s too late to join The Battle of the Blood Moon bandwagon, as that comic series is funded, but don’t miss out on getting a copy as part of The Devil’s Wife Kickstarter!

Love you all! Don’t forget to grab yourselves some deals!

In other news, I should be resuming my reviews soon, as I picked up a stack of books almost a foot tall at Supanova Sydney in June while selling copies of BotBM, and if The Devil’s Wife Kickstarter gets funded, I’ll suddenly have all this time I don’t have to spend raising funds in order to read said books.

Help a girl out. Everyone benefits from reviews!


August 23, 2015 - Posted by | Writing

1 Comment

  1. I can soo relate. Multi-tasking is super tiresome, but hey, we’re women and we can do it!

    Comment by C.S. Wilde | August 24, 2015

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